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[28 Jan 2012|03:34pm]


i apologize for the lack of activity on my part, i was getting settled back in new york and classes getting started and what not!

as always, bobby and amara are up for fun things!

[24 Jan 2012|04:08pm]

Just so you guys know, and I probably have told a lot of you but I have a modern mythology game over at [info]modernmod if anyone is interested! I'm accepting gods, goddesses and modern original characters that are mortal!!

[18 Jan 2012|11:37pm]

Heeey guys this is Scout with my last character :))

This is Rahne, she's 24 and was a graduate of Xavier's School class of 2004! Back then she was still overcoming some issues from having been raised by a cruel, hateful mother trucker of a pastor in scotland so she was probably fairly reserved at first and struggled the most with accepting magick based mutant powers. She went away to college and is now back after about five years, called in by Jamie to work with X-Factor.

She is a bit less reserved, much more accepting of herself (even if she has the occasional struggle with it) and probably looks a lot less tomboyish to people as she used to have that cropped hair and plain outfits and now she wears her hair long and is a tad more into being stylish. She is going to have a struggle with her faith (hello mr. wagner :] ) too sooooo

I need old friends, new friends, ect. ect.

my aim is the usual: icethesun hit me up!!

ANOTHER RETURN [18 Jan 2012|06:31pm]

I'm so sorry I dropped off the face of the earth! Work has just been kicking my butt.

But I am back!!! In the interests of... I don't even know what, I'm going to say Gabriel has been unconscious in the medlabs since his arrival, his body deciding he needed a fuckload of sleep after so long without it. But he's going to wake up... right about now!

Also Ali has obviously been quiet, but around. Doing things. Being helpful.

[16 Jan 2012|01:06am]

Just felt like sharing this amazing piece of hilarity )

HEY Y'ALL [13 Jan 2012|12:05am]

i'm back! ffffff i'm sorry for disappearing; i had to take a hiatus while i settled back into classes and my new job assignments/schedule. anyway, i'll be catching up ASAP, and rogue, lorna, and yana are officially back. SORRY.


[12 Jan 2012|02:34pm]

What a time to be jumping in with a new character, right? So this is Lou (Sam+Julian) with his all-new, all-different character. This here is Bishop and he's a cop.

...You need more info than that? Well okay. He's from the future where he grew up on stories of the X-Men's heroism. He joined a group inspired by the X-Men and on a mission came back to our time where he kinda got stuck. He joined the X-Men and was on the team for a few years before he decided that his time would be better spent being a cop in District X. It's through his work there that he ended up getting acquainted with XFI. Plot, questions, comments, etc?

[11 Jan 2012|01:41pm]

Hey guys just wanted to make a post regarding my lack of activity! I've been working on my own game and then working for realsies so if I have not replied to something I should, if I owe you tags or you want to thread with my characters PLEASE let me know! You can hit me up here or on AIM: icethesun and I'd be happy to get my butt into gear. I'm usually off Tuesdays and Wednesdays so those are perfect times for me to catch up or stay up late all night to catch you weird time zone folks!

And jsyk all the characters I have at your disposal:

X-Men: Wolverine, Wisdom
X-Factor: Multiple Man
Students: Wallflower
Bhood: Copycat


Scout >:]

I swear I can stop any time. [09 Jan 2012|06:52pm]

Nat here, with my third!!! Star's been around for awhile - a few years back he arrived at the mansion from another world!!!1 and got into something of a fight with whichever New Mutants were around at the time until everyone realised they weren't enemies! And he kicked around with them for a bit being very stoic and zen and not understand the world~, but a couple of years ago decided he'd go a-wandering to see the world! So that's where he's been for a couple of years, and now he's coming back! He's been sending postcards back from the various exotic locations he's been to, mostly to Julio but also to anyone else he was friends with! So, you know, let me know~ Otherwise he'll be stopping by the X-Factor offices to see his old friend and (hopefully!) be offered a job.

[09 Jan 2012|01:28am]

Hallo! I'm Bear and I'll be piloting Josh Foley and Megan Gwynn around for you! You can most easily catch me on aim, but you can leave a message on either journal's bio in a pinch, too. Looking forward to playing with you!

and next on the list is.... [05 Jan 2012|09:25pm]


I'm Anne and this is Kurt and his amazing history of sorrow! Most everything needed is here, but the tl;dr vesion is simple: circus performing gypsy child flees an angry mob who things he's a demon based on physical appearance and is rescued by Professor X to do good works. Easy!

Do not be put of by his humble beginnings! Kurt is adventurous and dashing, theatrical and easy going, hopefully gaining some friends in his new adopted family. And that's where you come in: please like Kurt on Facebook and follow him on twitter enjoy this new guy and see if he fits into the wonderful stories already ongoing in the game? Anyone challenged by a terrible countenance? Hey, so is he! Possibly pondering the meaning of morality in a world of cold science and mutant rights? Kurt might be a good sounding board for thoughts and ideas. DO YOU LIKE OLD MOVIES OMG KURT LIKES OLD MOVIES- well. Yeah, you get the idea. Uhm, thanks for reading this far. Email me day or night at the address in the app and I'll work on getting my AIM screenname up and working. =) Thanks!

[05 Jan 2012|10:59am]
omg I feel so shy right now.

so, I'm Jessi. And I think I know some of you from my time in another game recently and a few more from FOREVER AGO. HELLO OH MY GOSH.

Anyway, that's boring. What's interesting is HENRY P. MCCOY. You can read more about him here or I'll just give you the tl;dr version. Hank is made up of a million Santas and Twinkies. He's full of knowledge and hugs. He's the monkey man that will gladly give you advice or make you a sandwich. He is currently not blue but there is plenty of time for that, no worries *pat pat*. He's been at the school since he was a teen, was a little scarce while he went to college but hasn't budged since.

That is my offering to you, oh denizens of this game. Do you have anything for meeeee?

So hi. [01 Jan 2012|09:24pm]

This is Nat again, with my second character!

MEet Gabriel Summers. :) He's not actually at the school as yet - he'll be arriving pretty soon, once I get the thread up. He'll be literally crash-landing from space at Xavier's, drawn in by the concentration of mutant energy signatures. He doesn't know he has family, nor has he ever been to Earth, so this will be fun for him!

He'll need people to help him out and show him around and what not, though don't expect him to be polite or friendly about it! He also needs his brothers around to meet - anyone game to pick them up and have to deal with an angry younger brother? :D

[30 Dec 2011|05:45pm]

I'm the worst at these, so mad apologies for any ensuing awkwardness!

Hi all, I'm another brand now player, Nikki! I live in Brisbane, Australia and can most usually be found on floral shoes for good times and greatest hits.

Anyway, important stuff, now - I bring you all the one and only Jeanne-Marie Beaubier. She's your resident crazy as all fuck Brotherhood Member who batted for the other team briefly (Alpha Flight) but then her twin brother left without so much as a goodbye so she stopped the treatment for her DID and subsequently got kicked off the team for pretty much failing at life and not showing up to Heather Hudson's boring staff get-togethers. In terms of personality, she's mostly 'Aurora' full time (unless she's doing the banking, in which case that'd be Jeanne-Marie), who's entirely too much in other people's business, rambunctiously bitchy, loves a good time and likes to flirt with anything possessing a pulse. On the flip side, this particular personality also has a violent streak a mile wide and long, so if you piss her off expect her to react accordingly.

So that's about it. Plot? Has she stepped on your character's toes? Are they mates? Somewhere in between? YOUR PLOT GOES HERE, PLEASE ♥

A Wild Northstar Appears! [29 Dec 2011|07:08pm]

Hey all, new entrant to the game here. I'm Luke and I think I know a couple of you from games in the past, but just to run down the facts; I can be grabbed over AIM on BritBoiBlue and I promise to be nice and friendly if you IM me. ...even if the three feet of snow outside leaves me wanting to kick puppies.

And I'm bringing in everyone's favourite bitchy Quebecois; Jean-Paul Beaubier!
A fairly recent addition to the X-Men lineup, Jean-Paul enjoys snarky putdowns, talking about how awesome he is and punching people in the face. His backstory's fairly similar to his 616 canon, albeit with some of the more insane stuff pruned out, so I'd love to get some plot going based on past interactions before JP joined the team? He actually mellows and becomes less of an asshole the more you get to know him, he swears...
Unless you're one of his students, in which case, welcome to Hell. He's teaching Life-Skills and Physics and can be something of a harsh taskmaster. He's easily frustrated, strict when it comes to grades and behaviour and expects every student to live up to their full potential (especially if their power allows them to bend or break the laws of physics, in which case he expects them to know the hows and whys inside and out). He's probably one of those teachers students love to hate, sorry.

So. Plot? Friends? Enemies? People who have incriminating photos of Jean-Paul from the last time he was drunk?

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